Working Groups

LEEP’s primary focus is on facilitating the delivery of the short, medium and long-term actions contained in the LEEP Report, as outlined in our annual Action Plan. The Transition Report and the Action Plan are available on the LEEP Documents page.  

To engage and activate key transition stakeholders in an effective and efficient way, LEEP is establishing the following working groups and networks.  

The Future Jobs and Investment Committee  

To manage the coordination of LEEP implementation efforts until the NSW Government’s Future Jobs and Investment Authority is operational, Lithgow City Council has established a Lithgow Jobs and Investment Committee, with invited participation from key LEEP strategic partners including the Net Zero Economy Agency, the NSW Government, the Mining and Energy Union, Centennial Coal, Energy Australia, and the university sector. The Future Jobs and Investment Committee is the governing body for the LEEP implementation, supported by the working groups and networks listed on this page.  

Find out more about the Future Jobs and Investment Committee. 

Adaptive Skills Network  

The Adaptive Skills Network makes recommendations for the prioritisation of initiatives which support the re-deployment, re-skilling, and adaptive capacity of the workforce in the Lithgow LGA. The Adaptive Skills Network serves a reference groups for the STEAM Pilot Program and the Central West Adaptive Skills Hub, an innovative maker-space and STEAM Laboratory located at 176 Mort Street, Lithgow.  

Find out more about the Central West Adaptive Skills Hub. 

First Nations Network 

The LEEP First Nations Network helps to ensure that Aboriginal perspectives are incorporated in decision-making as we undertake our work in implementing the LEEP Report. The LEEP First Nations Network will play a vital role in integrating Aboriginal knowledge in the transitions management process, particularly in the areas of environmental stewardship, cultural heritage, and socially equitable outcomes. 

Find out more about the LEEP First Nations Network. 

Land Use Planning and Industry Precincts Working Group 

The Land Use Planning and Industry Precincts Working Group focuses on the prioritisation of initiatives which support alternative land uses of coal mining and coal- fired power generation sites in the Lithgow LGA. This working group makes recommendations in relation to land use planning, precinct planning, industry clusters and associated infrastructure and services which may contribute to the successful transition of the Lithgow LGA. 

Transport and Logistics Working Group    

The Transport and Logistics Working Group Transport and Logistics Working Group progresses consultations with the NSW Government’s Transport Working Group and Council on opportunities for green hydrogen and rail fleet electrification, rail fleet conversion and manufacturing, and logistics, including consideration of infrastructure and land-use needs.  

Place-makers Network (proposed, from July 2025) 

The ‘Heart of Lithgow’ Place-makers Network will be an active group focused on community-led projects that let residents and small businesses help shape and improve Lithgow’s shared spaces (staged approach). The Network will encourage local ideas, support public space projects, and build a sense of ownership in public areas. 


Health and Ageing Network (proposed, from July 2025) 

The Health and Ageing Network (from July 2025) will investigate, support and foster growth in the health and ageing sector by developing a precinct plan to catalyse and consolidate an industry around innovation in health and ageing in Lithgow. 

 Plans for continued engagement around the LEEP transition process, including with the community, are outlined in the LEEP Engagement Plan. 
