(Interim) Future Jobs and Investment Committee

What is the interim Lithgow Future Jobs and Investment Committee?

 The function of the Committee is to advise the community’s key transitions management actors (The Commonwealth Government and the Commonwealth Net Zero Authority, the State Government, Council, Western Sydney University, Centennial Coal, Energy Australia and the Mining and Energy Union) on:
• the consequences and opportunities associated with changes to coal mining and coal-fired power generation in the Lithgow LGA particularly in relation to the impact on employment and economic activity.
• the prioritisation of initiatives which support alternative land uses of coal mining and coal- fired power generation sites.
• the prioritisation of initiatives which support the economic resilience of the Lithgow LGA by facilitated investment in alternative industries.
• the prioritisation of initiatives which support the re-deployment, re-skilling, and adaptive capacity of the workforce in the Lithgow LGA.
• the priority of such other initiatives which may contribute to the successful transition of the Lithgow LGA, and
• to provide a forum to discuss the collaborative implementation of actions