LEEP Documents and Resources

The Lithgow Emerging Economy Plan (LEEP) has been created to help Lithgow plan a successful transition to become a resilient economy with new job opportunities. The following documents and resources are instrumental to this work. 

LEEP Transition Report

The Lithgow Emerging Economies (LEEP) Transition Report explores opportunities to reinvent and reinvigorate the Lithgow LGA’s economy as the Australian energy sector transitions to Net Zero. Find out more about the LEEP Transition Report. 

LEEP Action Plan

The Lithgow Emerging Economies (LEEP) Transition Report explores opportunities to reinvent and reinvigorate the Lithgow LGA’s economy as the Australian energy sector transitions to Net Zero. Find out more about the LEEP Action Plan

LEEP Engagement Plan

The LEEP Engagement Plan outlines the guiding principles and approach the LEEP team has adopted for engaging with our stakeholders, the LEEP community. The updated version of this plan is coming soon – in the meantime, you can view the draft version below. 

Future Jobs and Investment Authority

Future Jobs and Investment Authority 

Once established, the Future Jobs and Investment Authorities will be made up of local representatives in each coal-reliant region to advise the Government on regional priorities and investment opportunities. In May 2024 the Future Jobs and Investment Authorities released an Issues Paper; the submissions received in response to this document were published in December 2024. Council’s response to the Issues Paper is available on the Transition Plan Documents page.

Visit the Future Jobs and Investment Authorities website.


Future Jobs and Investment Committee

The LEEP Future Jobs and Investment Committee has been established in the interim to advise the community’s key transitions management actors – the Commonwealth Government and the Commonwealth Net Zero Agency, the State Government, Council, the local knowledge sector, Centennial Coal, Energy Australia and the Mining and Energy Union. 

Find out more about the Future Jobs and Investment Committee.