Economic Opportunities


Renewable Energy

Lithgow is well-placed to be part of the solution to the energy transition.  Lithgow’s existing high voltage transmission infrastructure can provide grid support and a critical link between the Central-West Orana REZ and Sydney.  The LGA also has key natural resources that are well suited to renewable energy generation in solar power, pumped hydro, battery storage and green hydrogen production.

Renewable energy


Advanced Manufacturing

An advanced, clean manufacturing sector can leverage Lithgow’s specialisations and comparative advantages,  alongside a skilled workforce, transport infrastructure and potential for renewable energy production. Opportunities include:

  • Defence and related metal fabrication and components
  • Renewable energy components and clean technology innovation, such as green building materials
  • Circular economy manufacturing
  • Transport equipment manufacturing


Lithgow has rich and diverse natural, historical and cultural tourism opportunities and a growing, vibrant events calendar. Adjacent to the Blue Mountains and a short trip from Sydney, nearly two-thirds of the region is national park or state forest, including Capertee, the second largest canyon in the world, positioning the area well for eco-tourism and extreme sports.


Health Care and Social Assistance

The attraction of specialist and general healthcare and social service providers, centred around a Health, Ageing and Innovation Precinct, would promote the health and well being of the community and consumers from neighbouring areas, including the ageing population. This could include attracting product designers and manufacturers focus on “smart home “products, equipment and home modifications, as well as further investment in retirement villages, integrated living and residential aged care.

Public Administration and Safety Industries

Lithgow LGA is the base for a range of executive, service delivery, judicial and public safety, security and defence activities, including the State Debt Recovery Centre and the NSW Police Link multi-media contact centre. This expertise could be leveraged by the private sector or for further decentralized public services.


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